What did Isaiah mean when he pinned the words "Everlasting Father?" How is Jesus the "Father" and "Everlasting?" These are questions that are addressed in this Advent message.
My God can supply all your needs. He is more than enough to handle your problems.
Jesus is more than we can expect and He is our guide through life if we will listen.
How do you survive as a Christian in this wicked world? This is a very important question. Your life depends on the foundation it is built on.
God's Roadmap to Heaven.
How should a Christian Pray? So many Christians are not praying Biblically. What does it mean to prevail in prayer. These are some of the concepts we will explore in…
What did Jesus teaches about Judging? So often the world will use this phrase but totally the opposite about what Jesus is truly saying. How are we to Biblically judge?
How can I develop faith so that I will not worry. This message contains practical advice from the Sermon on the Mount.
Building your life on the Rock requires proper goals and pursuits. We need to be able to distinguish between what will last and what will not.
In the message, Doug Morgan shares about the need in America for a return to God.