We will define what true worship is and some things that will interfere with this kind of Worship.
What does it mean to call God Our Father? We will explore God's Nature We will talk about God's Nurturing Our Father Cares Our Father Corrects Our Father is a…
What is Hypocrisy? Jesus gives us 3 examples of Hypocrisy: In Our Giving In Our Devotion (Why do we Pray?) In Our Disciplines (Why do we fast?) What are the…
We will explore: Terminology Pulpit Appeals Compassion Priorities Symptoms Relationships Lack of Prayer
We must Empty Self! We must Fill Ourselves with the Holy Spirit! We can control how we respond We have an Opportunity to Show Love We can have victory even…
Prayer is a must for Revival Prayer Must Be a Priority Praying With A Burden Praying in Righteousness Praying in Faith Praying as One Body Revival Our Only Hope
The Reality of Hell as expressed by Jesus The Word of God Declares It The Cross Demonstrates It The Justice of God Demands It We will also explore the Suffering…
Homecoming Service
The Bible Condemns Self-Righteousness Where Does Murder Really Begin? The Growth of Anger The Requirements of Rightwousness
What is the Difference between Revival and Spiritual Awakening? Revival is always God's Merciful Timing When Revival Comes, there is an impact on Society and Education Revival comes when an…