In Ephesians, beginning with chapter 4, Paul addresses the practical side of church. How do we look and how do we behave. In chapter 4, Paul talks about unity and…
Paul complemented the Church of the Thessalonians for the things they had done. These are the marks of a successful church.
In this study from Paul's letter to the Ephesians, we discover where God's plan for the church fits into the overall revealed plan for God's creation. Paul calls it the…
At the Jerusalem Conference, James uses Scripture to explain the Church Age and then God will return His focus to the Children of Israel and honor His promises. The message…
In this discussion of the ten commandments, we explore the various ways that we murder others. Why murder is so wrong in he eyes of God (and should be for…
In this messages we will discuss how God brought the lost man Cornelius and the Apostle Peter together for the purpose of sharing the Gospel. We will discuss the tactics…
In this message we will explore why the family is vital to the well being of a society. As the family goes, so goes the nation. The crisis facing us…
In this study we will explore how God transforms us into a new creation and draw a beautiful picture of what the church is all about.
In this message we will look at the conversion of Saul (Paul). We will explore the things that were new in his life after salvation.
So many people misunderstand the purpose of the 10 commandments. In this message we explore the fourth commandment about the Sabbath Day and why we worship on the Lord's Day…