
When is going to the movies appropriate for the Christian? Why should we care what others think about us in our walk with God? What criteria should a Christian use…

The Making of a Witness

January 10, 2021
Jonah had to be broken and he had to repent before God could use him to impact the world. There are lessons we learn from studying the life of Jonah…
Resisting positive changes in our live will lead us down the path to destruction. Only when we surrender to the will of God in our lives will we make any…
What should guide a Christian in the selection of his/her TV viewing? Should a Christian even own a TV? What factors should we use to discern the will of God…
What lead Jonah to surrender to the will of God in his life? Children of God can expect to be disciplined when not in obedience to God's will. Jonah went…
Was Jesus being uncaring when He said, "Let the dead bury the dead?" One must become a disciple by choice. Being a disciple will not occur unless one surrenders to…

What Is Salvation?

December 30, 2020
What does the Bible say about salvation? Is belief enough? The answer to these questions depends on your definition. We need to make sure that we define our terms the…
We will be examining Worship, Evangelism, Learning, and Love as we begin a Spiritual assessment to see where our strengths are and where improvements need to be made.
Simeon and Anna held on to hope when everyone else seemed to have lost all hope. What lessons can we learn from their actions
Paul and Silas sang at Midnight while in chains and in prison. What lessons can we learn from their actions and why is Thanksgiving so important even in those difficult…
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