This is a special Independence Day Service for our church. The message focuses on what we must do to see a miracle.
In a world where families are falling apart, we need to look at the blueprint for marriage from the architect of marriage as recorded in the Bible.
Sometimes, Christians have to make a stand for the things that are right and true. How can we find the strength to accomplish this, even if it means our death?…
In this message, we begin looking at the ten commandments. The commandments begins in your understanding of God. Our society needs to take a fresh look at the "rules of…
In this study, we will be looking deeper into what Biblical, Godly love is. This is such an important subject in light of all that is happening within our county…
We are studying the book of Acts. In our study, we are looking at how did the early church solve a potential escalating problem with a God-given solution.
Our Church is beginning a Deacon Nomination process. This message was to aid our membership in knowing what to look for in selecting (nominating) a person to the office of…
We are discussing the evidences of genuine faith. In this lesson, we look at a discerning spirit.
Trust and Obey must go hand-in-hand.
In this Bible study, we discuss that a true Christian loves the "brethren." We contrast the difference between love and hate.